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Members’ Details

Lime WA Inc. members operating lime and dolomite pits under the Western Australian Agricultural Lime Industry Code of Practice are listed above. Some members operate multiple pits. Where a supplier offers more than one Product Information Sheet, make sure you view the sheet relevant to the product you are enquiring about.

Product Testing

Product testing is carried out by Lime WA Inc Agricultural Lime Industry Code of Practice approved laboratories. Although the analyses provided by members are a true representation of the product being supplied, test results are for a single lime sample collected on one day. The pit ranges show results obtained within the past three years, but analyses over a longer timeframe are available on request. Lime WA Inc requires members to provide the above details in accordance with the Code of Practice requirements, but makes no claims and provides no guarantees on the quality or suitability of the product supplied. Product supplied by members occurs naturally and has a moisture retention capacity that varies according to seasonal conditions. As this cannot be controlled by suppliers, moisture levels are not stated.  

Independent Audits

Lime WA Inc. suppliers are independently audited annually by the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Western Australia. Click on members' pages to view details of the most recent audits.


Our Members

Aglime of Australia

General Enquiries
p: 1800 644 951

Steve Carr
m: 0429 917 742

Dave Gartner
m: 0429 882 029

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Aglime of Australia. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.


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Beaufort River Dolomite

Ray Kowald
m: 0427 625 014

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Beaufort River Dolomite. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit sample submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.


Eric Connolly
p: 9192 1753
m: 0419 753 232

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Broomecrete. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit sample submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

Carbone Bros

General Enquiries
t: 9726 1178

Michael Carbone
m: 0418 931 517

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Carbone Bros. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit sample submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

Lake Preston Lime

General Enquiries

p: 1800 889 493

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Lake Preston Lime. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit sample submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.


Midwest Sand Supplies

Doug Wilson

p: 9923 1372
m: 0427 184 308

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Midwest Sand Supplies. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

South Ramp

East Ramp

Premium Lime Products

Noel Castle

p: 9419 4155
m: 0407 445 236

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Premium Lime Products. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.


Redgate Lime & Earthmoving

Richard Nash

p: 9757 6263
m: 0419 951 511

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Redgate Lime. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from sample submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

Shire of Denmark

Engineering Admin

p: 9848 0300

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Shire of Denmark. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from sample submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

Watheroo Dolomitic Lime

Peter Manns
m: 0428 922 340

Terri Manns
m: 0418 922 340

Product Information Sheets

Below are the latest product information sheets for Watheroo Dolomitic Lime. The results on the left are from the latest independent audit samples submitted for testing. Any results on the right are from samples submitted to the laboratories by suppliers themselves. Please click on the sheet to download a PDF copy.

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