Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Western Australia
Provides information direct to Western Australia’s farmers. Participates in research and development projects across the state.
To access DPIRD information on managing soil acidity, click on the link below.
Australian Fertiliser Services Association
The industry association from which Lime WA Inc originated. Mainly represents spreading and fertiliser distribution, and some lime producers in the Eastern States. Has formed an alliance with FIFA and developed the Fertcare program.
Fertilizer Australia
An industry association representing importers and manufacturers of fertiliser. Fertilizer Australia developed the Fertcare program with AFSA. Has strong political influence and lobbies government for regulatory input.
iLime compares liming strategies on your paddock and is a decision tool to assist liming decisions.
Users are able to specify crop, fertiliser and soil characteristics specific to their farm. Different lime sources, rates of application, and timing, may be compared to estimate the optimum economic return.
Yield, soil pH, soil aluminium and cash flow responses are displayed, allowing a long-term strategic view to liming decisions made today.
Disclaimer : Links and website addresses are provided for information only, and in no way indicate the endorsement of Lime WA Inc for the content thereof.